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PMI日本支部女性コミュニティ 定例会第15&16回 レポート





盛り上がりました。また、取得したものの、更新料が高いといった裏話も。 これから取得を狙っていく資格としては、MBAやPgMPといった高難易度の資格が多くあがり、おすすめの初心者向けIT資格への質問や取得のアドバイスなども。育児休暇中に取得したという声も複数聞かれ、キャリア形成への意識の高さや積極性を感じられました。






いろいろなやりくりが垣間見えました。 また、手を動かして予定をプロットすることで思考が整理できる、記録としても役立つ、視覚的に把握できるということで、アナログ手帳を推す声もありました。みなさん時間に追われながらも、様々な時間を確保する工夫をしているようです。 本日の定例会でも更なるヒントを得られたのではないでしょうか。



PMI Japan Chapter Women's Community Regular Meeting No. 15&6 Report

The theme of the 15th meeting was "Qualifications" and we introduced the qualifications we each have.

We also shared information on how to obtain certifications, study know-how, and what certifications we are aiming for in the future. Naturally, many of the participants are PMP holders, but we also shared various certifications related to the work we are involved in.

We talked about a wide variety of certifications, from IPA's Information Technology Engineer examination, certification to vegetable sommelier, Natori, and first-class architect.

The discussion was lively. There were also stories behind the scenes about the high renewal fees for certifications. Several participants talked about the high level certifications such as MBA and PgMP as certifications that they are aiming to acquire in the future.

A participant asked questions about recommended beginner IT certifications and advice on how to obtain them.

Several people said that they obtained these certifications while they were on childcare leave, showing a high level of awareness and proactivity toward career development.

The theme of the 16th meeting was "time management. We asked the participants what time management techniques they practice and what apps they use.

We had a conversation about how busy we are and how to use the TODO and alert functions on our phone to make sure us don't forget what we need to do.

Block off time for yourself, limit meetings to only those members who need to be there,

listing all child-related schedules in my work calendar in advance in private mode, so on.

Some members recommended analog notebooks because they allow you to organize your thoughts, keep a record, and visually grasp your schedule. It seems that everyone is trying to find various ways to secure time, even though they are pressed for time.

I am sure that we were able to get further hints at today's meeting.

Reported by Mami Nagai





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