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PMI日本支部女性コミュニティ 2024ソーシャルインパクトイベント レポート(2024/10/26)

English follows Japanese


女性コミュニティは、各種のイベント開催や活動により女性PMの活躍やキャリア形成を支援しています。活動の主軸の1つにソーシャルインパクトを掲げており、本年のテーマを「防災の現場で活躍できる女性PM」としております。今回のイベントは、講師として特定非営利活動法人日本防災士会の山岡 みゆき様をお招きし、講演いただきました。

山岡様は阪神淡路大震災をきっかけに防災に関わるようになり、被災者支援において根強く残るジェンダー問題について課題感を持ち、ダイバーシティ防災を考えながら地道な啓発活動を行っていらっしゃいます。講演 「あなたの防災の『立ち位置』を知ろう」 では、一般的な誤解も例に挙げながら、防災の知識を解説いただきました。また、現代の防災現場における課題を共有いただき、私たちがすべきことについてパネルディスカッション形式で意見交換をいたしました。

講演の様子 Scene from the lecture

パネルディスカッション Panel discussion


防災体験の様子 Disaster prevention experience

報告者:PMI日本支部 理事 小川原 陽子

The wind is getting colder and autumn is coming, but how are you all doing? The women's community held a social impact event on October 26th.

The Women's Community supports the active participation and career development of female PMs by holding various events and activities. One of the main activities is social impact, and this year's theme is "Female PMs who can play an active role in disaster prevention sites." For this event, we invited Miyuki Yamaoka from the Japan Disaster Prevention Association, a non-profit organization, to give a lecture.

Yamaoka-san became involved in disaster prevention after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, and has been working steadily to raise awareness of gender issues that remain deeply rooted in disaster victim support. In her lecture, "Know Your Position on Disaster Prevention," she explained disaster prevention knowledge while citing common misconceptions. She also shared the challenges facing modern disaster prevention sites, and exchanged opinions in a panel discussion format about what we should do.

Afterwards, the participants made slippers out of newspapers as a disaster prevention experience. They completed the slippers in no time at all, and by walking on plastic bottle caps that were used to represent rubble, they experienced the usefulness of disaster prevention knowledge in times of emergency. They also had lively discussions about disaster prevention in their own homes and in their local communities, including during breaks, and were able to hold lively discussions about future collaboration between the Disaster Prevention Association and the women's community.

Reported by Yohko Ogawara, Director of PMI Japan





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