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PMI日本支部女性コミュニティ 第24回 定例会 (2024.8.6) レポート

English follows Japanese




①会社以外の活動、副業やボランティアを語ろう では、メンバーが本業以外でどのような





小川原代表が参加した7月のPMI AP/SA LIM@マレーシアの様子についてもシェアがあり、今回も有意義な情報満載の定例会となりました。

報告者:菊池 由美子

On August 6th, amidst the extreme heat that can be described as more than just a heatwave, we held the 24th regular meeting. This month, the members discussed the following two themes:

1. Let's talk about activities outside of work, side jobs, and volunteering.

2. Your heatwave countermeasures (food, goods, etc.)

In "1. Let's talk about activities outside of work, side jobs, and volunteering," members shared what kind of side jobs and volunteer activities they are involved in outside of their main jobs.

Some members mentioned that "PMI activities themselves are volunteer work," while others were involved in supporting single mothers and orphanages through NPOs, organizing women's communities in security competitions, disaster prevention SNS, and working as web writers. It became clear that each member is engaged in a wide variety of activities, showcasing the broad interests and high level of initiative among female PMs. The discussion also touched on the pros and cons of work-sharing, which has been gaining traction in recent years, and thoughts on women earning money.

In "2. Your heatwave countermeasures (food, goods, etc.)," various ideas and cooling goods to survive the extreme heat were shared by female PMs. There was a lively exchange of useful information, such as "I didn't know about wet sheets for the scalp, I want to try them!"

Finally, there was a sharing of the scenes from the filming of educational videos for the women's community just before the regular meeting, and the experiences of Representative Ogawara who participated in the PMI AP/SA LIM in Malaysia in July. This regular meeting was once again filled with valuable information.

Reported by Yumiko Kikuchi





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