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PMI日本支部女性コミュニティ 第23回 定例会 (2024.6.4) レポート


English follows Japanese









女性のライフイベントを考えると、積極的に管理職となって仕事をコントロールし、Work In Lifeを実現する選択肢はありだと感じました。

報告者:山本 富志江

With the summer days continuing and the start of the rainy season awaiting us, the 23rd regular meeting was held with the main theme of “Should I be a manager?”

Some commented that managers have a variety of roles, and that so-called middle managers have a strong image of being overwhelmed and exhausted by complicated chores that are not essential to their work. Several respondents said they were interested but did not want to be, especially when the company requires them to be both a player and a team manager, because they could see how difficult it would be.

On the contrary, some said that the expanded discretionary authority allowed them to choose their own work style. It seems that having a higher level of one's own layer can be beneficial, as it allows one to obtain information more quickly and changes the authority one can exercise. We were also informed that a change in perspective can change the way you look at things, which can be beneficial to your future career. However, since there are some suitable and unsuitable managers, especially line managers, it was agreed that not “everyone should become a manager,” but that it is necessary to make a decision based on the image of a manager that the company is looking for and one's own situation.

In the remaining time, he gave a presentation on “My Recommended Hometown Taxes”.

The product lineup consisted mainly of rice, meat, and frozen foods, but also included toilet paper, plates, and hotel bath towels. In this context, I was surprised by the return of “playing a grand piano in the hall”.

I can not play the piano, but I'm sure it would feel great to play my favorite pieces in a hall with good acoustics.

While many Japanese managers have a negative image, I think the PMI women's community is unique in that they have gained authority and control over their own work style, turning it into a positive thing.

Considering the life events of women, I felt that it is possible for women to proactively become managers, control their work, and realize a Work In Life lifestyle.

Reported by Toshie Yamamoto





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